Vitor Ribeiro, The World Hero In Martial Arts

By Lisa Moore

Though many people take martial arts to be entirely about fighting, it goes beyond their thoughts. When it was started many years ago, it was all about teaching people how do self-defense. With time, people adopted these practices and the skills was impacted on people for reasons such as completion, physical fitness and even for application in military field especially in Mountainside, NJ. Today, this art is also taught for entertainment, mental and spiritual nourishment. One of the heroes who has won countless prices and awards in martial arts is the famous Vitor Ribeiro. He is common referred to as Shaolin.

Being a Brazilian citizen, Ribeiro who is also known by his stage name as Shaolin, he was born in February 24, 1979. As at now, this hero is at 36. He has been in the Martial Art for the last about 15 years though he retired some few years ago. He has broken so many world records and this has added to his achievement while still in this industry. For instance, Shaolin took part in many fighting alliances such as the Shooto and Strike force. He was also a participant in Cage Rage where he emerged the championship.

While at his teenage, is was hard to notice is underlying potential. In fact, nobody could foretell if this present hero and celebrity had such an amazing potential and gift. However, while Ribeiro was at the age of 14, he engaged in a fight with one of his school mate, but unfortunately he was badly beaten and this annoyed this hero. Owing to this fight, he made a decision to enroll to gym sessions for body building and fitness. Again, following the fighting incidence, his parents took him to another school known as Nova Union which is located in Pererneira.

After three years of serious training, Shaolin was able to secure an opportunity to participate in world championship. At this time, he was still 17 years of age and this is one among his greatest achievement in his career. During this completion, he emerged as the winner of the championship after fighting some of experienced grapplers.

Owing to his great fighting skills, Ribeiro was in a position to win the world championship completion while at his teenage. This was a very good start and really amazing given that the present hero had only trained for a period of three year.

Immediately after Ribeiro winning this competition, he was given a chance to take part in adult category. Again, after the achievement, Shaolin was placed in the second position in Ams and Nationals owing to his might and potential. In the consecutive year, the hero got lots of fame and glory especially from his fellow citizen after proving his abilities to his mentor.

In the lightweight category, Shaolin has won a good number of awards after beating experienced fighters in this industry. For instance, Shaolin has won three consecutive awards in world Championship in the years 1999, 2000, and 2001. It is after the Mundial Championship held in 2001 when he decided to join MMA and show is skills to the entire world.

Ribeiro has left excellent records in Martial Arts although he has retired. His name and records remains fresh in memories of his fellow nationals and the entire world. In fact, during the period he was in his profession, he also participated in BJJ and MMA and won the competitions.

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